Blue screen of death (BSOD) is a term often referred to in Windows 98, Windows XP product key and even Windows 7. This screen usually appears when a serious error occurs that makes full. System kits stopped working immediately.
In Windows 8, this phenomenon is less likely due to the new technology that Microsoft applies. However, if a bad day, you suddenly encounter this error in Windows 8, then below are measures to help you overcome this phenomenon.
If you can not find any information related to the problem you are experiencing, do so yourself, or more precisely, use the troubleshooting tools available in Windows.
First of all, keep in mind that recently you have installed a piece of software or a driver for your hardware. If so, the cause is that the driver is out of date, or the software installed has conflicted with the old software in the machine. In this case, go to Windows using Safe Mode and try removing these objects from the system. Alternatively, you can go to the manufacturer's website, download and install the latest version for these objects.
If this is the first time your computer encounters a blue screen error, you can use the System Restore feature in Windows product key to restore system files to the time before an error occurred. This feature does not delete or change individual files but only affects system files.
Also, if you suspect your computer is infected with malware, install anti-virus software to remove them. Although not appreciated, the Windows Defender tool available in Windows 8 can help you do this. If you are more thorough, you can use bootable tools, such as a BitDefender Rescue CD or Avast, to scan and review your system without going to the operating system, spread to the computer from the root.
If that does not solve the problem, Windows 8 product key also has a final block, which is the Refresh function. After using this feature, you will have a clean, clean operating system, no malware, and potentially conflicting software. Now you just need to reinstall the software that you usually use.
If you have tried all of the above and you still have "the problem", then the problem is not software, but hardware, such as faulty RAM, CPU overheat, or internal components. Broken ... If you are familiar with hardware "vóc", open the machine and check for a view with unusual signs. And if you do not have much experience with the hardware then there is no other way, the computer repair shop is the last solution for you. Good luck!
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